Antique Furniture Photos are provided showing before and after photos of antique furniture restored and refinished by McLean’s Refinishing. Antique Furniture can be changed to like-new condition with the proper level of restoration and refinishing.

The Antique Photos above show the difference that quality restoration and refinishing can make. According to Wikipedia, restoration can be as simple as light cleaning to remove disfiguring dirt or grime, such as on the surface of a painting, or it may include near complete rebuilding of furniture or other antiques. McLean’s Refinishing tries to take extra care of your cherished items and keep them as original as possible. The main goal of restoration is to “restore” the original appearance or functionality of a piece.
There is a lot of difference between restoring antiques and refinishing furniture. We do antique restoration and also custom finishes giving old furniture a new custom look. The finished piece may be a restored antique or custom finished, but it is essential that we meet our customer’s desires. Stripping is only done as a last resort, especially with antique furniture. Poor restoration will show in the finished product.
Working on someone else’s bad repair is the worst possible situation, but we will do our best to restore your furniture properly. Often with antique restoration, there are also other issues as well. For example, some collectors value “patina“, or also want an item to still reflect an aesthetic that shows its age- in this respect. An “over-restored” item can actually detract from its value more than if nothing has been done to the item at all. Therefore, restoration of valuable objects should always be left to professionals who are sensitive to all of the issues, ensuring that a piece retains or increases its value after restoration.
McLean’s Refinishing, Inc. is Athens’ and Northeast Georgia’s most trusted name in furniture refinishing and restoration. We are a full-service business committed to quality, expert craftsmanship, with a basic love of antiques and woodworking. Through the years, we have evolved into a major workshop that is capable of handling the smallest jewelry box or a complete home of furniture. We also specialize in commercial work including in-office touchups and repair or restoring furniture in government offices, sororities, fraternities, and public libraries. With over 40 years of experience, we can handle any restoration need.